Sunday 10 July 2011

Sunday meant to be the day of rest!

Argh today has been so stressful nathan has just moaned most of the day lauren and Kayla have just argued and Terry has moaned cause he constantly wants to go on the computer! I've hardly stopped all day it's been cleaning doing dinner baths stories bedtime and I've only just found 5mins to sit down! Although saying that I am now attempting to make some sort of biscuits lol have put a load of ingredients together and hoping something edible comes out of it lol will let you know how it goes!
Got so much going on this weekend shopping 2moro hospital tues kids summer concert on thursday so expect pics and loads of news as kayla is doing it this yr she's only singing a song but she's not been in the children's centre for long so I'm looking foward to it! Luckily they have a creche so can put Nathan in there as he'll wanna be getting down and joining in! Right better go check me biscuit sort of things lol! Will update how they tasted! :-)

Friday 8 July 2011

Sorry not updated!

Just realised I haven't done a post for ages! Things have been so hectic at home I've had Nathan up at 5am every morning still due to teething! well bit about the past few weeks I've been decorating at moment which is hectic so been having a bit of problem with kids moaning etc but we're getting there! Lauren has had a bad few days she ended up with a very bad infection under her nose which was keeping her up as the pain was so bad, I'm also trying to potty train Kayla at moment so if anybody has any advice I would be very greatful pls! Terry is doing his sats at the mo so I'm hoping he does well my little boy is growing up to quick lol! We've not managed to do much because of the weather but hoping it gets better soon and we're off to cornwall for 2wks at beginning of sept so hoping we have good weather for then! Right I'm of to bed now but will be doing a review on here 2moro so keep your eyes peeled! xxx